At our monthly meetings more than 20 organizations involved with the homeless in South Los Angeles share information. These range from the County Department of Mental Health to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), the Weingart Center for the Homeless, Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Systems (HOPICS) and many other homeless service organizations and faith-based groups. Our meetings are a one-stop event each month to keep abreast of the latest city, county, and HUD policies, funding opportunities, and training programs.


The SPA6 Homeless Coalition plays an advocacy role: We lobby federal, state, county and city agencies to undertake projects in our communities and include South Los Angeles in major efforts such as the $1.2 billion ten-year permanent supportive homeless housing construction program approved by voters in November - to see that SPA6 is not left out when locations are selected.


Our website, SPA6homeless.org, is building  a wide range of information, aggregating important government policy documents, advocacy statements, resources available to the homeless in SPA6 such as emergency housing, mental health care, and other needs. And promoting LAHSA's annual homeless count, the next one of which is set for SPA6 on January 26, 2017.