Due to the escalating spread of the coronavirus, and particularly its effect on our homeless population, we have added this section to our top menu to post important information especially aimed at homeless persons and homeless service organizations. Our focus is South Los Angeles' Service Planning Area 6 (from the 10 Freeway south to and including Compton, Lynwood, and Paramount). But much of what we post here should be significant for Los Angeles countywide.

Uupdates on response to the coronavirus by Mayor Garcetti and Los Angeles County agencies

Following are important updates on response to the coronavirus by Mayor Garcetti and Los Angeles County agencies, followed by several links to services


   State Reopening Guidelines: On Monday, Governor Newsom gave guidance about how counties may take steps forward from the current stay at home orders. The new guidance allows counties and cities to set their own orders based on real-time data of local public health conditions. LA County may have a lower death rate than the national average, but it has suffered more than half of the COVID-19 related deaths in California despite having only about one-quarter of the state’s population. Our timing on opening may differ from other parts of the state; we will follow the guidance of medical professionals. Physical distancing and face coverings will still be a key after opening.

Eviction Moratorium: Frequently Asked Questions


1.   What is the County’s eviction moratorium?  

 The Los Angeles County Eviction Moratorium (Moratorium), effective March 4, 2020 to May 31, 2020 (Moratorium Period), implements a Countywide ban on evictions for residential and commercial  tenants, and space renters living in mobile home parks, for nonpayment of rent, if the tenant or space  renter can show they have been financially impacted related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Important news from Home for Good LA, a partnership of United Way of Greater Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.

               Sharing an important resource via our partners at Southern California Grantmakers
     Yesterday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted a motion to establish the LA County COVID-19 Relief Fund, which directs the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) to develop and implement a loan and grant fund by April 21st. The motion also directs DCBA to move swiftly to infuse additional capital into Los Angeles County.

Inner City Law Center on Evictions in Los Angeles


TO:  Adam Murray, Tai Glenn
FROM:  Rob Reed, Jake Crammer
DATE:  March 19, 2020

RE:              Status of Evictions in Los Angeles in light of Covid-19  

 Evicting people from their homes in the midst of this pandemic is cruel and jeopardizes public  health. Recognizing this, and recognizing that requiring tenants, landlords, and their lawyers to go  through the eviction process would not allow for social distancing, the Los Angeles Superior  Court, the Governor of California, the Mayor of Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles City Council  and County Board of Supervisors have taken emergency action to limit evictions throughout Los  Angeles for at least the next month. This memo summarizes the impact of those actions on the  eviction process in Los Angeles as of noon on March 19, 2020. 






The Department of Public Social Services is aware of the financial impact that the Coronavirus is having on the health and financial well-being of County of Los Angeles residents, leaving thousands unemployed or underemployed.  The department has provided the below resources to help residents who may be experiencing financial challenges due to the pandemic:

Important announcements about the coronavirus and the homeless

We know this is a uniquely challenging time for our community--for our clients, our staff, ourselves, our agencies, and our city/county/country. The Coalition would like to be a support in whatever ways we can--we are in this together as one.  
As a start, we have compiled information from multiple sources and it into one place with information on updates, resources, etc.  We also plan to have our regular meeting by Zoom on April 10--agenda will be sent beforehand.
ALSO--we know that some shelters, food banks, and access centers are very short of food and cleaning supplies.  Please let us know if you 1) have a source for  food and/or supplies or 2) if you are in dire need of these things or anything else.  We will work to connect folks with one another and/or any other resources that come up.