Latest Updates from the SPA6 Homeless Coalition

Thank you all for joining us on Friday for another information packed meeting!
We appreciate the participation, collaboration and interest in our fight of addressing homelessness in SPA 6 (and in all of LA).
Below are some of the links and resources promised. More to come.
Have a great week.
The SPA 6 Homeless Coalition Steering Committee
We appreciate the participation, collaboration and interest in our fight of addressing homelessness in SPA 6 (and in all of LA).
Below are some of the links and resources promised. More to come.
Have a great week.
The SPA 6 Homeless Coalition Steering Committee
Emergency Housing Vouchers
All information regarding them and training videos:
Interest Assessment Form
-Please remember, in most instances, that the assessment must be completed in order to qualify for an application. Applications are intended for specific households and will be sent to Point of Contact indicated on the Assessment form once the form is reviewed.
-Also, for these vouchers, there is a $2500 HIP Incentive attached for landlords!
From Holli Mitchell's Office--Board of Supervisors--2nd District
* Our office will be introducing our first motion on homelessness- Item 27 (LAHSA’s Governance & Re-structuring) this TUESDAY, July 13 at 9:30 am. Please join us and participate in Public Comment! The link and phone number for the meeting are on the first page of the agenda.
Here is the Agenda: Agenda (
*Many California Kids Can’t Access WiFi for Schoolwork:
*Guaranteed Income for Social and Economic Justice by Supervisor Mitchell and Michael Tubbs:
Links Regarding City Council Ordinance and Letter from LA City Councilman Mark Ridley Thomas
UCLA Luskin Center Report on the History of Homelessness in Los Angeles
Below is a very informative report prepared by the UCLA Luskin Center for History and Policy on homelessness. Released Jan/Feb 2021. As well as 2 podcasts discussing the report.
Then and Now Podcasts
SPA 6 Landlord Breakfast (Virtual)

-Please invite ANY interested landlords, property owners, property management companies
so they can learn about all of the programs and incentives being offered. See attached flyer--please distribute.
-Also, if you have group of landlords or stakeholders with connections to units, we can do a specialized presentation. Please contact Milerna Castillo, mcastillo@wlcac,org.
Housing for Health Vaccine Clinics and Vaccine Education
Do you work directly with the unhoused community? Are you interested in hosting a Housing for Health (HFH) Mobile Vaccine Clinic at your organization? Read on to learn more about how you can contribute to the fight against COVID-19 in LA County!
Currently, HFH is distributing vaccinations to:
1- All people experiencing homelessness residing in sheltered or unsheltered settings.
2- All homeless services staff who work directly with people experiencing homelessness.
3- People living in permanent supportive housing, including single room occupancy (SRO) buildings who meet Los Angeles County Department of Public Health eligibility criteria, including age, medical vulnerability, and occupational status.
We ask that those interested in a clinic identify at least 10 individuals experiencing homelessness or workforce members who will receive the vaccination prior to filling out a request form. We will follow-up with the requester and may ask that they remain available on the day of the mobile clinic to help with the vaccination effort. HFH may also request support in outreach or education efforts prior to/after the clinic date, such as performing outreach to clients eligible to return for their second dose or education events prior to a first dose clinic.
Please note that while HFH is distributing all three types of vaccine, a specific clinic might only have one or two types of vaccines available depending on the requested allocation.
HFH Request Forms
Request a Vaccine Clinic
Click here to access the clinic request form.
Request an Education Collaborative Training
Request a presentation to your staff on the COVID-19 vaccine and other health measures. Staff presentation content aims to help to keep our homeless services workforce and participants healthy and safe during these times. You can also use this form to request an engagement session for your clients who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness.
Clinic Maps and Calendars
HFH Calendar of Events
View a calendar of HFH Vaccine Clinics and events scheduled for future months.
HFH Vaccine Map
View the map to establish whether a vaccination effort is already scheduled in close proximity to your organization, or to locate a clinic and identify point of contact information.
Countywide Vaccination Clinic Calendar
Provides location and contact information for countywide vaccination efforts.
Additional Resources
Request a Vaccination for a Homebound Individual
Request vaccinations for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) clients who may be homebound and are not staying at project based PSH sites.
LAHSA COVID Vaccine Education Resources
Visit LAHSA’s page for a wealth of educational resources and media.
California Department of Public Health - MyTurn.CA.Gov
Visit the CA DPH’s “My Turn” page for important COVID and program updates, including the “You Call the Shots” program.
PDF with more information on the Housing for Heath vaccine program for people experiencing homelessness