Eviction Moratorium: Frequently Asked Questions


1.   What is the County’s eviction moratorium?  

 The Los Angeles County Eviction Moratorium (Moratorium), effective March 4, 2020 to May 31, 2020 (Moratorium Period), implements a Countywide ban on evictions for residential and commercial  tenants, and space renters living in mobile home parks, for nonpayment of rent, if the tenant or space  renter can show they have been financially impacted related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

 2. What protections does the moratorium include?  

 • Prohibits evictions for: * Nonpayment of rent due to a COVID-19 related reason; * No-fault reasons under the County Code; and * COVID-19 related violations due to  unauthorized occupants, pets, or nuisance.

• Prohibits rent increases for: * Rent-stabilized rental units in unincorporated Los Angeles County subject to Chapter 8.52 of the Los Angeles County Code; and * Mobilehome spaces subject to Chapter 8.57 of  the Los Angeles County Code.

 • Prohibits imposing new pass-throughs or charging late fees, interest, and any related charges for unpaid rent accrued during the Moratorium Period.  

 3. Does this mean tenants don’t need to pay their rent?  

 No, this Moratorium is not a waiver of rent. Tenants will have repay any past due payments up to 12  months following the end of the Moratorium Period.  

4. What responsibilities do tenants and landlords have as it pertains to the moratorium?  

 • Tenants are encouraged to deliver notice to their landlord it in writing.

• Tenants are encouraged to pay partial rent during the moratorium, if they are able to do so.

 • Landlords must accept tenant's self-certifications as valid form of notice.

 • Landlords must not harass or intimidate tenants that exercise their rights during the moratorium.

 • Tenants and landlords are encouraged to work out a payment plan during and after the moratorium.

5. When should a tenant notify landlord that tenant is unable to pay rent due?  

 Tenants must notify their landlord, through a self-certification, within 7 days after rent is due, unless extenuating circumstances exist.  

 6. Who do these protections apply to?

 These protections apply to all residential and commercial tenants and space renters in Los Angeles County, unless tenant lives in a city within Los Angeles County that has enacted their own eviction moratoria.

7. Does my city have its own eviction moratorium?

Please visit https://dcba.lacounty.gov/rentstabilization/  to see if your city has an eviction moratoria. Contact your city if it has its own eviction moratoria. Otherwise, please contact DCBA for assistance.  

 8. What if my landlord still tries to evict me?  

 Tenants are not required to move until a Sheriff has served a Notice to Vacate, which will not occur until the Governor Newsom's Executive Order has been lifted. The Judicial Council Emergency Ruling, dated April 6, 2020, postpones any set hearings for at least 60 days and prevents courts from accepting any eviction cases until 90 days after the State of Emergency is lifted. Call DCBA for more information.  

 9. If you still have questions or need assistance, contact us:  

 • Phone: (833) 223-7368  

 • Online: lacountyhelpcenter.org  

• Email: rent@dcba.lacounty.gov  

 • Direct messaging: @LACHelpCenter on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram