Emergency Housing Vouchers Info
- Interim EHV Policy
- EHV Referral Training Presentation
- EHV Referral Training Webinar
- EHV Sample Application and Coversheet
- EHV Application Training Video
- DV, HT,SA, and Stalking Self-Certification Form
EHV Office Hours (They also answer general questions)
Monday 9/27 9 AM-10:30 AM – EHV How to Accurately Document Income Monday 10/4 9 AM-10:30 AM – EHV RTA and Leasing Process
Register Now
--Attachment 1 - Powerpoint Deck from the ARDI Initiative Presentationhttps://mcusercontent.com/89efc399a70d9f67e4585f199/files/c4c6fce7-90e1-91c7-1df0-24d7864d70dd/ARDI_SPA_6_Homeless_Coalition_Meeting.01.pdf
--Attachment 2 - Powerpoint deck from the RPSS (Resident and Property Support Services) https://mcusercontent.com/89efc399a70d9f67e4585f199/files/e8737273-e504-fb2c-4344-f5483d367268/RPSS_Presentation.pdf
--Fair housing laws, disability accommodations, best practices for housing providers, and more! Anyone is welcome to register for our free Housing Rights Workshops here: (https://www.housingrightscenter.org/fair-housing-education)
--Safe Parking Program referral platform - https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=m1SuC9hSO0qqGdUGYrMIlx9q34j_btxGjNLS-DPjAiRUOVNPUjIxRU5HS0xDWUFHUjBIOEMzUDJSTS4u
SPA 6 Regional Coordination Information
Regional Coordinator: Ericka Battaglia ebattaglia@hopics.org
Domestic Violence Regional Coordinator: evera@hopics.org
Families Regional Coordinator: ssmith@hopics.org
Project Coordinator, Flex Funds: nwhite@hopics.org
Older Adult Regional Coordinator: https://www.hopics.org/careers
Navigation Center flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12peb4G9DwpVGlO8apN2Gd1WOB3nemNE-/view?usp=sharing
Stakeholders Meeting, Sept. 28 Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEud-2uqD0sH9ZnGzgY9FRz-mDyZO2GnkIv